Category: Healthy Eating

  • Are Plantains Gluten Free?

    Are Plantains Gluten Free?

    In our quest to understand the diverse world of food and nutrition, one question that almost always pops up is whether or not ingredient ‘XYZ’ is gluten-free. Today’s article answers the question: are plantains gluten-free?  Plantains, a staple in many tropical cuisines, have gained global popularity not just for their unique taste but also for…

  • Smoothie Recipes Without Milk

    Smoothie Recipes Without Milk

    After a particularly intense workout, a smoothie is often a great choice for cooling off while knocking out a few of those fruit and veggie servings. But for those of us who are lactose intolerant or stick with a dairy free diet, a simple smoothie can have a major complication: milk. Milk is often used…

  • Best Vegetables for Smoothies

    Best Vegetables for Smoothies

    For time memorial, society has consistently stressed the importance of eating our veggies. Vegetables are often viewed as a necessary obligation. A chore. We eat them because we feel we should, not because we enjoy them. According to the USDA, adults should aim to eat two to three cups of vegetables each day. Despite the…